If your guide is on this site and you would like it removed, please contact me.

✨Khutani's FFXIV Modding Handbook✨

Last Updated: May 12 2023

It's hard to find good sites for explaining the fundamentals of working with FFXIV mods, so I'm trying to make a website for beginners.

*this page is a heavy WIP and I happily accept help, suggestions, or guide requests.

Other Guide Websites

My site still needs a lot of work, so please check out these other great resources if you want to learn something.

  1. XIVmods.guide contains a multitude of great quick-start tutorials, if you are looking for more of a walkthrough than a lesson at the meandering pace of this site.
  2. Illy's megaguide (outdated; i'm leaving it here until i have replacement guides roughed out)

Modding Discords

Discord is our modern-day message board. Also, Discord's privacy is important to FFXIV modders. If you need direct help, the relevant channels in these discords are the best places to go for it.

  1. PK Emporium
  2. TexTools official discord.
  3. FFXIV Male Mods
  4. XIV Mods & Resources (XIVmods.guide's discord)
  5. WCIF (Where Can I Find) Discord, for sourcing mods you see in screenshots.

Latest Updates

TexTools Basics page is complete now (yay). i might add more details about the options/settings later though.

Planned updates

areas marked for updating or repair are now coloured in pink so i don't miss them later..

  • penumbra basics guide.
  • replace textools' colorset tutorial page & links. (2)
  • write Penumbra colorset tutorial
  • penum+tt metadata tutorials
  • (much later) double check page titles & meta properties. tweak css
  • migrate site... somewhere(havent decided where yet)