At a glance...
- His hat is enormous, with flattened hair suggesting he very rarely removes it.
- His face is slathered in bright makeup. It's so blended; it probably took at least an hour to perfect this morning.
- Unlike the stereotypical Xaela, he looks less beefy and more like he might topple over in a stiff breeze.
- His flamboyant wardrobe looks decidedly impractical, especially that it doesn't seem to include pants.
Basic information
- Race: Auri Xaela
- Gender: Fluid (if in doubt, usually accepts he/him)
- Age: 33 / 9th Sun, 6th Umbral Moon
- Height: 192cm/6'3"
- Build: Like a string bean.
- Languages: Native Xaelan speaker, fluent in Hingan, can speak Eorzean (but not read or write it).
- Occupation: Minstrel & other odd jobs
- Skills: As well as his preference for music and theatre, he knows the basics of many everyday crafts, such as working cloth and leather, cooking, brewing, and basic survival skills.
- Residence: Traveler, currently central Thanalan area
- Aether-sensitive characters: Would not find anything unusual. Khutani is truly just some guy. Whether you believe in, or detect the preternatural force of luck around him is your choice(it's totally real though... at least, when it's funny).
Brief insights to the character. For more, please check out the Story page!